Wednesday 28 September 2011


Bicycle is quite common in Cambridge, you can see people riding bicycle in town. Cambridge is flat and easy to commute with bike, therefore it's a place full of bicycle, literally everywhere! It is also nice for photography. For example this picture =)

Tuesday 27 September 2011

St. Paul's Cathedral

Everytime I visited London (2008-2010), this cathedral was half covered by scaffolding, hurrah it's all gone! Nice photo too! :) This photo was taken from 7th floor of the Tate Modern opposite the River Thames. 2 of the London landmarks for tourists and local too!

Wednesday 21 September 2011


Interesting to see how the way people do stuff, something little in life can affect the results, or something different in life can inspire someone. They are just a pale of baskets, but why people stacking them up that way? From a photography point of view, I think this is art, no matter how people organise it, it's beautiful, just think from a different perspective.

Sunday 18 September 2011

shinny floor

Try this special effects, reflections from the floor after rainy day, have I got it?

Wednesday 14 September 2011


It was very windy in England, perhaps we are entering Autumn already .. doesn't mean no fun anymore. Look at these people, they enjoyed the weather!

Saturday 10 September 2011


Looking at another angle! lower down and the crops have just been cut, summer has gone, welcome the Autumn! It's just started .. looking forward to more colour Autumns! Great for photography I think... stay tuned! :)

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Royal Albert Hall

This is one of the biggest landmark in London, especially for people who appreciate music, particularly classical music. However it is not only for classical music now, over the years there has been a lot of various performances, from classical, pop, jazz, etc BBC Proms is one of the annual event for people who appreciate classical music. I was there last Sunday. It was spectacular! It is one of those events people should experience. So grand!

Tuesday 6 September 2011

lady bird

I must admit this is one of my recent favorite picture. Nothing so special about it, but there is something about it! I love microphotography!