Thursday 30 December 2010

LA by night

I am still learning how to capture night scenes with the correct shutter speed. It was a perfect opportunities for me to put this into practise. LA at night from the hill top of Griffin Observatory.

east meets west

I know Christmas has just gone past, but it's only few days! Hope you all had a dazling Christmas!! What did you do? eat eat eat and eat? food, food and more food?! Don't feel guilty, it's holidays anyway.. so just enjoy and forget about all the calories!!
I saw rather different style of 'Christmas tree' yesterday at China town LA. I think it is a christmas tree with Chinese decorations. Never seen anything like this before .. but i like it .. vibrant, 'morden', Christmas + Chinese New Year 'fusion'! This is what I call globalisation!

Saturday 25 December 2010

feliz navidad

Happy Christmas!! Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas!! Has father christmas been? Have you got many presents? a lot of good food? good time with your love ones?

Friday 24 December 2010

Christmas Greetings

It's Christmas Eve, have you done all your Christmas preparations? Shooping, pressies, food etc ... ?
If not still few more hours to go! Hurry up! Pretty Christmas decorations at Milton Keynes shopping center.

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Sunday 19 December 2010

sub zero

If you lived in the UK, perhaps you are already living in this sub zero temperature with lots of snow falls especially this weekend! For some people it's joy, whereas some other finds it extremely hazardous. For me, it's my golden opportunity to take some lovely pictures! yay!

Saturday 18 December 2010

little snow

Woke up this morning expwct more snow to come, but it was dry, this is how it looks like off my windows, rather dissapointing..... haha.. i want more white stufffffff!

Big Freeze

It claims the coldest December in 100 years! I was excited about it, but now I am tired of it! Snow is pretty and fun and it actually does bring chaos!

Wednesday 15 December 2010


This photo reminds me of something Christmas plus a dash a snow.. even it was very light, but it just feels festive.. Christmas is near ;). In fact this could go on someone's Christmas card! hmmm ideas.. inspirations .... I want more!

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Greeting Cards

Wow... it's been sometimes.. I am back! It's been busy lately.. year end, Christmas preparation bla bla bla ...
I have done some Christmas cards, Snow pics etc .. here is one ... for now :) MOre to come if I get time!