Saturday 25 September 2010

deep blue sea

Now, summer is 'officially' over for another year. Cold temperature is gradually coming back, it gets colder and colder everyday, I am still thinking of this ...

beach, sea, sunshine, good weather, vacation ... perhaps I need a break =)

Tuesday 21 September 2010


I really like the outcome of this picture, when I took this picture, i thought the composition of the whole scenery plus the reflection could make a good impact to the outcome and yet it did the job! I am well pleased with it =)

Friday 17 September 2010


Benefited from the Open Cambridge 2010, here is some of the libraries visit outcome ..... Some prestigeous books from the old libraries, eventhough visitors are not allowed to touch the books, but there are few for display.... and photography is ok, HURRAH! I thought it's nice to share .... and .... It is almost enough to make me go back to school. =)

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Old Library

This is a month for 'open house', it is a yearly event, normally in September, I went to the Cambridge Open house on Saturday, nice to see some 16th cencury ( or maybe earlier ) building.

Pictures here show the St. John college Old library, very impressive .. books really old, though we are not allowed to touch the books. The room is not big, but good size.

Follow this link you can read more about the library.

Tuesday 7 September 2010


The Lowry Teatre, located at Salford Quay, Manchester. To me it looks similar to the LA Disney theatre, ok not that big, but it's like the little brother!

Thursday 2 September 2010

Manchester China Town

How many China Town are there out there? Is this the typical 'symbol' of China Town? I think most China Town in the UK has a 'main entrance' arch-like structure as shown in the pictures, it is one of the significant landmark of the China Town. Manchester China Town, it is the second largest China Town in the UK.