Friday 27 August 2010

Brighton Beach

Another classic view you can see at the Brighton sea front! Nice! I miss that place .. ...

Thursday 26 August 2010


A Birthday card that I deisgned, all purely on flora swirl. All done in photoshop =)

Monday 23 August 2010

Brighton Beach

There is nowhere like this place, Brighton beach is very well known in southern England - East Sussex. The uniqueness of this place is there's no sand, it isn't a sand beach, but a stone beach. It's the first stone beach I've ever been.

Friday 20 August 2010

a little bit of fun

I rarely see funfair in this large scale, it was good to see something like this. It's often give impression to people that funfairs are mostly associated to kids, but sometimes it is for adult too! Life is indeed very short, don't always let the kids have fun, adult too!!

Friday 13 August 2010


A recent sunset view. Hmm it's Friday 13th, plus sunset .. hmmm.. does that mean everything is going down hill!! Thinking too much ... thinking too much!! Don't worry, be Jolly. Only coincidence!

Monday 9 August 2010


A different kind of advertisement, can be expensive? But how many people are going to heads up and read those words? hmmm. People are innavative, creative, but is this going too far?
Moshi Moshi, I wanna find this 'shop' .. I think it's Japanese, could be a restaurant.
By the way, the message says " MEET ME AT MOSHI MOSHI "

Friday 6 August 2010


Can't believe it's August already, I always associate August with sunny day .. also the happy sunflower =) I happened to walked by this sunflower 'bed', not very often to see sunflower this size, I was happy =)

Sunday 1 August 2010


A recent visit to Norfolk Lavender field. Admission free! It was the first time I saw lavender in this scale, it wasn't 'wow' like those in France, I am pleased to see the purple land =)